From the Foundation Up

The C.O.R.E. Business System

All the C.O.R.E. Business System elements work together to create the ability to build a successful, profitable business is the capacity to identify a problem to solve, find the customers who have that problem, and then address the problem for them.

Begin Strong!

C.O.R.E. Genesis

In the beginning (or when you need to transform your business), you will focus on the C.O.R.E. Genesis components.  The C.O.R.E. Genesis program focuses your team on those fundamentals during the start-up process. C.O.R.E. Genesis is also used during a business redesign to enable us to restructure and realign the business to improve effectiveness (reach the customer) and efficiency(maximize resource utilization).

C.O.R.E. Genesis focuses on:

  • The Business Concept,
  • The Market Opportunity,
  • Resources Acquisition and Allocation, and
  • The Business Entity.

Once you have defined your C.O.R.E. Genesis℠ elements, you need to translate them into actionable items.


Concept to Reality!

C.O.R.E. S.T.A.R.T.

C.O.R.E. S.T.A.R.T. guides your team from the conceptual to an actionable plan.  

  • Strategy
  • Targets
  • Alignment
  • Resources
  • Tactics


Grow Stronger!


C.O.R.E. Growth

With your strategic plan, you move to focus on  C.O.R.E. Growth.

C.O.R.E. Growth  is all about how you do business and the outcomes of doing business:

  • The Customer
  • Your Operations
  • Targeted Results
  • Your Execution


Build Value!

CORE Value

C.O.R.E. Value

Ultimately, every business owner wants the value of the business to grow. What they may not realize is that the value a buyer places on the business may be much less than desired. There are many factors in creating business value. FOCUS defines those elements along four dimensions:

  • Viability – market potential
  • Capability – the ability to do business (get the customers)
  • Credibility – how the business is viewed, the results the business generates for the customer, and the business
  • Visibility – how well-positioned the business is to compete

Complete this Form to Schedule Your 30-Minute Session

Each person and business is unique. F.O.C.U.S. doesn’t do one-size-fits-all programs. The C.O.R.E. Business System Program is customizable to your timeline, goals, budget, and needs. Complete the C.O.R.E. Business System Form to schedule a 30-minute call.

Workshops and Webinars

C.O.R.E. Business System Program Curriculum


Program Courses and Requirments by Path

Articles | Podcasts | Videos

Mastermind Groups for Exponential Business Growth

“If you find yourself weak in persistence, surround yourself with a mastermind group.” Napoleon Hill Why You Need a Facilitated Mastermind Group Business owners, solopreneurs, and entrepreneurs have a lot of demands on their time, and this leads to stress. Stress...

S.T.R.I.V.E. for Success

Success Is Action Success is a verb, an action, not a noun. It is a journey, not a destination. Measuring success in terms of forward momentum or progress makes sense. You strive for success. You take action, make decisions, and get others actively involved. Truly...

Dishonest Clients – Dangerous and Unprepared

Dishonest Clients After all these years in business, I am still amazed when I encounter a dishonest client. It is doubly confounding when the client is not only dishonest, but also inexperienced and unsophisticated in the intricacies of business. It is especially true...

Customer Focused?

Is Your Business Customer Focused or Trying to Be All Things to All People? I love the single-cup beverage systems. When I want something to drink, I don’t have to boil an entire pot of water, coffee or tea. I can choose my drink of preference, pop in the single cup,...

Business Concept – Validating Your Idea

Crazy Ideas and Business Concept Many highly successful businesses have been started on ideas other people thought were crazy.  Many unsuccessful businesses were started as "sure things."  How do you know before you start if your idea is worthwhile?  How do you...

10 Elements of Successful Businesses

While every business has elements that are unique to it. Every successful business shares common characteristics with other successful businesses. Concept The first element of a successful business is a clear concept of what the business is and does. This concept is...

Starting a New Business

Show host Lea Strickland shares insights, tips, and steps to successfully starting a new business based on personal and client experiences. Listen Now

Validating Your Business Concept

To know whether or not you have a viable business concept, you have to comprehensively define (on paper) your thoughts, ideas, and vision. You also need to gather information related to those ideas: market size, competitors, pricing, and so on. With that information...

Vision, Strategy, Structure, and Results

The successful organization - one that is both productive currently and viable long term - has integrated the vision, strategy, and structure of the organization to enable financial success. The ability of an organization to achieve every iota of success it is capable...

Timelines and Deadlines: Customers and Investors Wait for No One

When it comes to getting things done, missing the timeline may mean a deadline missed—with an emphasis on the DEAD line of business or opportunity. At times, people mistake courtesy and diplomacy as a signal that it is okay to miss a deadline. I’m not advocating being...

Your Market Focus and Priorities

Priority Pyramid – The Need, The Problem, The Customer’s Desired Result = Opportunity

Many, if not most, businesses create a product, service, or technology, then go looking for customers. In other words, they create a solution and then look for the problem. Whether you are starting a business or want to grow your existing business, you must identify new opportunities. Those opportunities begin with identifying unmet needs and prospects that are willing and able to purchase solutions at price that includes profit.

The foundation of your business success is the ability to seek out new opportunities or in some instances create those opportunities by disrupting the marketplace.  From the foundation, you build your business, its operations, market solution, and the ability to execute.

Build Toward Your Financial Results

Financial results (Revenue, Profits, and Cash) are generated when you successfully provide value to your customers.  If the customer doesn’t perceive value in your solution or they can’t find you, then you have to change your business to get different results.

Your business’s strength is built by having the fundamentals defined, the processes in place, and a strategy for success. Business growth requires that certain key elements, C.O.R.E.℠ elements, be in place to enable profitability and growth. So your business needs to put in place the key elements from the start. The C.O.R.E.℠ Business System priority sequence enables you to build a foundation for growth from day one through the life of your business. Using this sequence, you will be able to adapt to market changes, the needs of your customers, and identify new opportunities when needed just by following these steps.

    FOCUS Priority Pyramid
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