Tough Lessons: Failed Business Relationships

One of the hardest lessons a business owner can experience is the failure of a business relationship – whether with a vendor, a business partner, or a client. Regardless of how carefully you screen any of these people or how formal your agreements with them,...

Tools Required – Capability Imperative

Every task requires the right tools. Building a successful business is a task like no other. It requires a comprehensive set of tools which fit the task. Using one tool when another is required often leads to unanticipated consequences. Having the right tool...

Too Big, Too Soon – Too Far, Too Fast

Enthusiasm. Confidence. Passion. Belief. All of these are important to the success of any new venture. They can also be the biggest pitfalls for the new venture. The momentum and the drive to do everything at once can lead an entrepreneurial team to expand before the...

Timelines and Deadlines: Customers and Investors Wait for No One

When it comes to getting things done, missing the timeline may mean a deadline missed—with an emphasis on the DEAD line of business or opportunity. At times, people mistake courtesy and diplomacy as a signal that it is okay to miss a deadline. I’m not advocating being...
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