by Lea Strickland | May 6, 2016 | Business Articles, Competitiveness, Customer, Customer Relationships, Marketing, Sales and Business Development
There is nothing and I mean nothing that frustrates me, ticks me off, and causes me to stop using a product faster than dealing with the people on the “customer service” lines of businesses. I don’t know about you, but whenever I have an issue and call one of those...
by Lea Strickland | Jan 29, 2016 | Business Articles, Business Growth, Customer, Customer Relationships, Small Business, Strategy
This week a service provider demonstrated to me how important I was to her and her business. Let me share the story. I arrived for my appointment 20 minutes early and made myself comfortable on a bench outside her office suite. I could see through the glass wall that...
by Lea Strickland | Oct 5, 2015 | Business Articles, Customer Relationships, Marketing, Sales and Business Development, Small Business, Vendor Relations
Have you ever noticed the differences in behavior between dogs and cats? I have always had dogs, never cats for pets, until recently. Two years ago my neighbor’s cat decided to live with us (I am told that is not unusual for a cat). In the past two years I have come...
by Lea Strickland | Sep 5, 2015 | Business Articles, Business Growth, Business Ownership, Competitiveness, Customer, Customer Relationships, Small Business, Small Business
This week a service provider demonstrated to me how important I was to her and her business. Let me share the story. I arrived for my appointment 20 minutes early and made myself comfortable on a bench outside her office suite. I could see through the glass wall that...
by Lea Strickland | Jul 31, 2014 | Business Articles, Customer, Customer Relationships, Government Funding Compliance, Non-Profit, Small Business, Small Business
The profitability of a company is significantly impacted by its ability to identify both the core client characteristics that make for a good client as well as those that do not fit with your business expertise or require more support from key resources than can be...
by Lea Strickland | Jul 31, 2014 | Business Articles, Business Growth, Business Management, Competitiveness, Customer Relationships, Marketing, Sales and Business Development, Small Business, Start-up
Everyone has experienced it. Someone calls you prospecting for business. You get a message on your voicemail, you get a card or letter in the mail, and sometimes it is something you are interested in getting more information about. So you return the card, send an...