by Lea Strickland | Jul 31, 2014 | Business Articles, Business Growth, Business Management, Competitiveness, Leadership, Non-Profit, Small Business, Start-up
A façade can be an appearance—the surface image of care, interest, integrity—either projected by a person, group, or organization or attributed to them by others through observation or perception. Whether intentional or not, we all have a façade, an outer image that...
by Lea Strickland | Sep 28, 2009 | Business Articles, Business Growth, Business Management, Business Plans, Change Management, Leadership, Non-Profit, Small Business, Start-up, Strategy
All too often we hear familiar justifications as to why things don’t change. One which seems to be recurring more frequently is “my hands are tied”. Undoubtedly you are familiar with the refrain – things need to change BUT “my hands are...