by Lea Strickland | Sep 23, 2009 | Business Articles, Funding, Government Funding Compliance
Businesses which seek grant funding should view that funding as “seed” funding. Seed funding enables them to begin planting a crop which can be harvested later. Businesses also need to be aware that all seed funding needs fertile ground. Fertile ground equates to...
by Lea Strickland | Sep 22, 2009 | Budgets and Financial Tools, Business Articles, Business Growth, Funding, Government Funding Compliance, Small Business, Start-up
It is unfortunate that the stories on small businesses who fail to comply with government requirements for receiving and using grant funds don’t make the papers. Even though small businesses fail audits everyday, they just don’t make the headlines. The scale of...
by Lea Strickland | Sep 17, 2009 | Business Articles, Funding, Government Funding Compliance
Congratulations! You won! Once you have received notification of an award, how do you proceed? This is a critical question for most organizations. It is especially important for first time award recipients. Grant awards place very specific requirements on the...