by Lea Strickland | Jul 31, 2014 | Business Articles, Business Growth, Business Management, Change Management, Competitiveness, Entrepreneur, Execution, Leadership, Non-Profit, Perspectives, Small Business, Start-up
Every task requires the right tools. Building a successful business is a task like no other. It requires a comprehensive set of tools which fit the task. Using one tool when another is required often leads to unanticipated consequences. Having the right tool...
by Lea Strickland | Jul 30, 2014 | Budgets and Financial Tools, Business Articles, Business Growth, Business Management, Results, Small Business, Start-up
For many people, just looking at a column of numbers, dealing with a tax return or even balancing a checkbook brings on immediate and significant stress. Numbers, accounting and finance—egads! Even the thought of all of these numbers gives me flashbacks to the...
by Lea Strickland | Jul 29, 2014 | Business Articles, Business Growth, Business Management, Business Ownership, Small Business, Small Business
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines listless as “characterized by a lack of interest, energy, or spirit.” In tough times, or whenever we have been doing something for an extended period of time—especially without achieving desired results—we often lose...