Strength at the Door

How strong are you? I don’t mean physically? How strong are you in your daily walk through life? It seems most days we struggle with too little sleep and too much to do. We are “able” to juggle many roles and tasks that need to get done at home and at work, but how...

A Pebble Upon a Large Still Pond

Have you ever tossed a pebble into a pond and watched the splash and ensuing ripples on the surface of the water? If you have, you know that you can make the splash larger (or smaller) with the size of the stone and the force with which you throw it. When you throw...

The Most Important Election of Your Life

Elections are about choice. Most of our elections in the United States are between two parties. The same is true about our life choices: we can elect to believe and follow God, or to choose to not follow Him and thus we choose Satan (Pretty harsh when you think about...

Your Personal Jericho

Do you know the song about the Battle of Jericho? The most famous singer to record it is undoubtedly Elvis Presley. The lyrics are as follows: Chorus: Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho Joshua fought the battle of Jericho and the walls came...

Men (Apostles of Christ) At Work

How do you work each day? Are you seeking the approval of men worrying that they will think poorly of you? Do you see behind their masks? Are you serving the One True God and working to please Him. Or are you too wearing a mask to hide from the world? In the course of...
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