Okay, the typical saying is “you can’t see the forest for the trees” and while that is an appropriate expression for certain situations, I want to you to think about how crowded your life is, with the demands on your time at home and work, the things you have to get done, the places to go and the things to do. And in the midst of all those things, your own personal “forest,” can you see the one tree that you need to be focused on? The “tree” I am talking about is the Tree of Life: Christ (you probably had already guessed that).
My life is its own forest. Some times I can discern each leaf, twig, branch and tree of the tasks that I need to get done. All too often I have been guilty of the letting these trees grow so big in my vision that they come together to almost obscure my line of sight to God. I get so caught up in “doing” that the hours and the entire day gets away from me.
I spend time thinking and planning and I must confess at times worrying about the people I love, my clients, my friends, and … well, you are undoubtedly familiar with all the things that plaque your mind at various times. You turn on the TV or read the news and you are given more things to worry about. All combine to make a forest impenetrable by light. Then when things could become overwhelming, my eyes turn the only thing that matters, the one Tree that can survive any storm, that can anchor me in the midst of the turmoil of the world, God. And the worry fades.
Matthew 6:34 (NKJV)
34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
How dense does your forest seem today? Are all the trees crowding you and looming over you until you do not know where to turn? There is only one Tree to cling to:
Oh Lord you are a mighty oak that shelters us from the storm,
Though the winds of life be mighty,
You are greater still.
Through trials and tribulations
No worry will I have,
For all things are to your purpose
My life is yours to use.
You are the Tree of Life
Oh Lord you are owner of my all.
No matter what the world may do
I will keep my faith in You.
Author: Lea A. Strickland, MBA CMA CFM CBM GMC
Copyright ©2012 Lea A. Strickland
All Rights Reserved