C.O.R.E. P.A.C.E.S.℠

Funding your business is a crucial aspect of growth. Without access to capital (bank loans, credit lines, investors, and other sources), your business is constrained. 

The C.O.R.E. P.A.C.E.S.℠ Program enables you to identify, analyze, and develop alternatives for funding your business. Whether you are looking at debt or equity, seek grants or crowdfunding (regulated and non-regulated), you need to understand the options, the requirements, and the impact on your business and goals.

Every fundraising effort requires you to develop

  1. Pre-launch Plan
  2. Audience selection
  3. Campaign design and development
  4. Execution before, during, and after the campaign launch
  5. Structure and service of the terms and deliverables


Successful funding efforts result from well-developed and executed elements that occur before the campaign goes live.  These elements require an investment of time and money into the planning, research, marketing, platform, and other elements.

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