
I have often been told I have a strong will. Strength of will is important if you want to make things happen against great odds, but your strength has to come from God and your will must be aligned with not only God’s will, but also his plans and purpose. So yes I am...

Bigger Than You and Me

God is bigger than most people think. I know that He is bigger than any issue any of us can ever have. If I want to accomplish great things, then I must realize that I am but a small part, as God is the Greatest part. For the world to change, I must do my small part...

Seven Mistakes of Leadership

Everyone talks about leadership, but what does it really mean? These days it seems that leadership in the world is more about position and prestige than about the organization or the people being led. Dictionary.com provides the following definition: Leadership...

Words Count

We conceptually know that words have power, Yet we often fail to realize just how powerful they are. Words demoralize and inspire. Words destroy and they empower. We have an example from the first words in the Bible that words have power, for God spoke the world into...
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