by Lea Strickland | Nov 11, 2012 | Faith Blog
Many people believe that the book of Revelation is historical fact. I do not share that belief. I believe that it is God’s warning to us about what is to come; a warning to change our ways or one day, when we least expect it, judgment will come. I am not an expert in...
by Lea Strickland | Nov 7, 2012 | Faith Blog
Have you ever lost a big deal? How about a major election? The 2012 election in the United States is a good opportunity to look at winning at any cost versus being willing to pay the price to hold onto your principles. The day after the 2012 election, as the pundits,...
by Lea Strickland | Oct 29, 2012 | Faith Blog
How much do you tithe? When do you tithe? Many people give the 10% of their income as a tithe, but is that really a tithe or does it fall into another category such as a charitable donation? What is a tithe versus an offering, first fruits, or charity? Let’s clarify...