(Cary, N.C.) Internationally renowned business strategy expert Lea Strickland, MBA/CMA/CFM/CBM/GMC, addressed two dozen attendees of a recent Executives in Transition seminar organized by outplacement and career branding firm Career Pro.
Strickland lent her years of expertise in building operations for over 400 domestic and international business clients to the group, which consisted of C-level executives seeking new positions and consultants who have decided to go into business for themselves rather than work for someone else.
“Marketing yourself as a job candidate and positioning yourself as an expert translates well into searching for a new career or starting a business,” Strickland said.
Other issues Strickland addressed included starting a business, protecting one’s brand, and not going against personality type when beginning a new venture.
“I know a lot of people that have earned high-level degrees but generally fail to apply most of what they learned in everyday business situations,” said attendee John Domalavage, a medical device support professional, adding, “It is very apparent, after listening to Lea’s experiences, that she applies, everyday, what she’s learned to common business scenarios.”
Next up for Strickland will be presenting “Writing Your Way to Success” at a meeting of the Triangle Business Women’s Group on February 11 in RTP. Attendees will hear advice on how to attract customers via marketing, advertising, and public relations that highlights their expertise versus writing that sounds like a sales pitch. Soonafter, Strickland will be addressing another Executives in Transition meeting on February 17.
“We brought Lea into our executive group to get her bold perspective and outlook on business, executive communication and creative approaches for our clients. By popular demand Lea has been asked to come back and present some of her innovative advice to our six-figure executives in transition,” John M. O’Connor, president of Career Pro of NC, Inc.
O’Connor is available for questions and consultations about Career Pro’s Executives in Transition program at (919) 787-2400. For more information about Career Pro, a comprehensive career services organization specializing in executive and corporate outplacement and Federal/military career transition and consulting, visit www.CareerProInc.com.
Lea Strickland, MBA/CMA/CFM/CBM/GMC, is an internationally renowned business strategy expert applying proven infrastructure management solutions to help businesses and organizations of all sizes build a baseline for success. Regularly leading workshops and presenting at a wide range of industry events, Lea is a sought-after public speaker and thought leader on how to effectively start and grow a business. She is a published book author; has been featured in national business media outlets; and is a contributing columnist to a number of national and regional magazines and websites. For more information, visit www.leastrickland.com.