God’s Portion – Tithes and Offerings

How much do you tithe? When do you tithe? Many people give the 10% of their income as a tithe, but is that really a tithe or does it fall into another category such as a charitable donation? What is a tithe versus an offering, first fruits, or charity? Let’s clarify...

Men (Apostles of Christ) At Work

How do you work each day? Are you seeking the approval of men worrying that they will think poorly of you? Do you see behind their masks? Are you serving the One True God and working to please Him. Or are you too wearing a mask to hide from the world? In the course of...

In the Word at Work

This past Sunday, the pastor spoke his entire sermon on a single verse: 1 Thessalonians 1:1. That one verse had many things to teach us. Each word had meaning, context, and a revelation for the expectation of behavior as a Believer in Christ. If we choose to be in the...
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