How is this for a slogan: “The difficult we will do immediately; the impossible may take us a while longer!”
This was the slogan of the Seabees combat battalions in World War II. They had a mission to build roads, barracks, bridges, and landing strips for the rest of the forces. What these men accomplished enabled the Allies to win the war. Why were they able to succeed? Because they believed they could. They had Faith!
The little things often seem so difficult to get done. The big things in life seem impossible. If you believe you can do something, you find a way. For Christians the way to deal with the ordinary, the difficult or the extraordinary and impossible of life is to follow God and accept Jesus as Savior, Lord and Master.
Not Difficult, Nor Impossible
By Lea Strickland
To face the daily challenges, big and small,
We need to rely on the Lord’s strength
To get us through it all.
To guide us to the what, where, and when,
The how of the things before us to do,
It is not about me, nor about you.
When the difficult is before us,
And the impossible lies ahead.
We need to look up,
Then bow our heads.
The Lord alone will see us through.
Making possible the impossible
Enabling us to do what we must do.
Not of our own strength,
Nor on our own understanding,
God is in charging.
He is commanding.
We may plan,
But God decides.
We look at the path
He leads and guides.
The plan is His
The choice is ours.
To follow where He leads
To rely on Him for all our needs.
Author: Lea A. Strickland, MBA CMA CFM CBM GMC
Copyright ©2012 Lea A. Strickland
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