(Cary, N.C.) International strategic business consultant Lea Strickland, MBA/CMA/CFM/CBM/GMC, recently shared her insight and experience at two high-profile Research Triangle area events: the RTP CFO Forum hosted by Hughes Pittman & Gupton, LLP on May 6 and F.O.C.U.S. Resources’ Technovation Entrepreneur educational webinar “Technovation Entrepreneur 101” on May 11. Strickland spoke to the RTP CFO’s on “Doing Business with the Government” and presented the webinar through her consultancy F.O.C.U.S. (TM) Resources. Both events covered critical topics from getting a company started to being strategic in seeking funding and business opportunities.
“There’s a cost to doing business with the government which is reduced the earlier you start with the compliance process,” Strickland said, explaining that compliance requires attention not just to the financial aspects, but to everything involved in running a business.
Strickland’s presentation at the RTP CFO Forum contained information on acquisition and funding assistance and walked the audience of nearly 30 chief financial officers from top growth stage and established area companies through the elements required to successfully receive and benefit from government funding.
“Compliance was a big issue with attendees,” she said. Many of the post-presentation questions were oriented toward personal liability when signing things; internal controls; and a focus on regulations and laws surrounding awards.
The May 11 webinar offered insight to help entrepreneurs start, grow, and run a successful business. The webinar introduced the Technovation Entrepreneur (TM) program modules START SMART (TM), GROW STRONG (TM), and RUN WELL (TM) for taking ideas, research, and innovations from concept to the marketplace.
Technovation Entrepreneur (TM) (www.technovationentrepreneur.com) is an education and execution program for start-ups (including those in the idea stage) and early and growth stage companies. The program provides three tracks:
START SMART (TM) for idea stage founders contemplating or in process of starting a business;
GROW STRONG (TM) for companies entering the growth stage and expanding their operations;
RUN WELL (TM) for companies of any stage and size that are experiencing issues or facing opportunities that are challenging existing business structures, capacity, and processes.
The Technovation Entrepreneur (TM) Program concentrates on the components of success as defined by the F.O.C.U.S. (TM) Resources success formula 2V2C – Viability, Visibility, Capability and Credibility.
The “Technovation Entrepreneur 101” webinar provides an overview of the three tracks and identifies starting points for each of the program tracks. The webinar is free of charge and held on the second Wednesday of each month at from Noon to 1 pm Eastern. Registration and session information is available on the program website www.technovationentrepreneur.com. The site also contains articles and an extensive glossary. All Technovation Entrepreneur (TM) webinars are led by Lea Strickland.
In an average year, Strickland leads 40 workshops and webinars in 30 the United States, Canada, and Mexico on strategic and tactical business topics. She has written and published over 600 articles and op-ed pieces on topics related to effectively starting and growing a business and is the author of four books including “Out of the Cubicle and Into Business” and “One Great Idea!” in addition to serving as a contributing columnist to high-profile national media publications TheStreet.com and FOX Business On-line.
For more information visit www.technovationentrepreneur.com.
F.O.C.U.S. (TM) Resources is an international strategic business consulting firm guiding clients in the design and development of successful new ventures and diagnosing the root cause of performance issues in established for-profit companies and nonprofits. Crafting effective business management infrastructure related to finance, operations, commercialization, utilization and strategy, F.O.C.U.S. (TM) Resources services build business sustainability to support sales, private and government funding efforts and organizational growth. For more information, visit www.focusresourcsesinc.com.